Monday 15 June 2015

The mind and us

Reading Michio Kaku's book on the human mind is a real eye-opener. Effortlessly he gets rid of previous paraphernalia that maybe proving to be a nuisance to a clear thinking in your mind. The poem ,The Road not taken is similar in vein to this process of  cleansing of the mind.

In the poem the poet refers to the road as a metaphor for that which he might want in he stood at a crossroads, hoping for a clear direction he got his answer.He chose the road which is "less traveled by". This is indeed attractive and for people like me hoping for less claustrophobic ways to travel it can appear attractive. A road does not just take you to a destination.As you travel it becomes your life.

It shapes your thinking and sometimes if the journey has been a night mare, it can also raise apprehensions about going further or, going back. All these possibilities are an integral part of humdrum life.Somehow i have also interpreted this poem to mean that the road you take may not be as important for the destination is the same,whichever road you may have taken.

Michio Kaku says confidently that any kind of sixth sense or paranormal abilities are unnecessary  as the mysteries of the universe can be understood by our native intelligence. What are the implications in education in all this? how does it affect the class room situation? This is extremely important for the classroom in my muse. I began writing this blog to clear my own dilemma about my aim in life.

After all, often in life the clutter gets to us.We forget what our compulsions are. COMPULSIONS. A very interesting word, indeed.It somehow defines us. It is different from goals.While goals can be set and are largely, externally set, compulsions are more inward.In the humdrum of life we tend to disregard them.But i feel if we can stay in touch with the inner self, we will understand these delicate attitudes that actually define us.

So, for me it's always a tiny voice asking me : will this work in the classroom? If it will how will it work? As i read Kaku i will write about the educational implications of his thoughts.I hope it will be a very interesting read............

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